32 research outputs found

    Multi-Temporal investigation of the Boulder Clay Glacier and Northern Foothills (Victoria Land, Antarctica) by integrated surveying techniques

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    The paper aims to detect the main changes that occurred in the area surrounding the Mario Zucchelli Station (MZS) through analysis of multi-temporal remote sensing integrated by geophysical measurements. Specific attention was directed at realizing an integrated geomorphological study of the Boulder Clay Glacier, a partially debris-covered glacier belonging to the Northern Foothills (Victoria Land, Antarctica). This area was recently chosen as the location for the construction of a new semi-permanent gravel runway for MZS logistical airfreight operations. Photogrammetric analysis was performed by comparing three historical aerial photogrammetric surveys (carried out in 1956, 1985, and 1993) and Very High Resolution (VHR) GeoEye-1 satellite stereo-image coverage acquired in 2012. The comparison of geo-referenced orthophoto-mosaics allowed the main changes occurring in some particular areas along the coast nearby MZS to be established. Concerning the study of the Boulder Clay Glacier, it has to be considered that glaciers and moraines are not steady-state systems by definition. Several remote sensing and geophysical investigations were carried out with the main aim of determining the general assessment of this glacier: Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR); Geodetic Global Positioning System (GPS) network; multi-temporal satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferometry. The analysis of Boulder Clay Glacier moraine pointed out a deformation of less than 74 mm y-1 in a time span of 56 years, value that agrees with velocity and deformation data observed by GPS and InSAR methods. The presence of unexpected brine ponds at the ice/bedrock interface and the deformation pattern observed in the central part of the moraine has to be monitored and studied, especially under the long-term maintenance of the future runway

    Utilizzo metrico di immagini satellitari panoramiche declassificate nello studio di un\u2019area di interesse archeologico in Turchia

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    Nell\u2019ambito di un progetto multi-disciplinare condotto intorno al sito archeologico di Tilmen H\uf6y\ufck (Turchia) dall\u2019Universit\ue0 di Bologna in collaborazione con l\u2019Universit\ue0 di Istanbul ed il Museo Archeologico di Gaziantep, si \ue8 inteso verificare l\u2019uso di immagini declassificate del programma statunitense Corona (1960-1972). Tale tipo di immagini, pur rappresentando una risorsa storica notevole, \ue8 stato molto raramente impiegato a scopi metrici, in quanto il loro trattamento geometrico viene notevolmente complicato dalle varie distorsioni che le affliggono e dalla difficolt\ue0 nel reperimento di dati tecnici sulle missioni. Il lavoro si propone di approfondire questa tematica ponendosi due obiettivi principali: da un lato la valutazione delle potenzialit\ue0 offerte da questo patrimonio, e dall\u2019altro l\u2019approfondimento sulle problematiche e le soluzioni adottate per l\u2019utilizzo metrico di queste immagini, in particolare orientato alla generazione di ortofoto a supporto di uno studio a carattere regionale del territorio. La disponibilit\ue0 di immagini multi-temporali su un ampio intervallo di tempo potrebbe dotare lo studio sull\u2019area in oggetto di strumenti di conoscenza di altissimo interesse per la comprensione dei cambiamenti intercorsi

    Metrical use of declassified satellite imagery for an area of archaeological interest in Turkey

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    The adoption of satellite imagery in archaeology is well recognized today, and is rapidly increasing with the greater availability of high resolution sensors, in the past limited solely to military applications. The metrical use of declassified satellite images from the intelligence CORONA project, the first US operational space photo reconnaissance project operating in the period 1960\u20131972, has been verified within the framework of a multidisciplinary research project carried out by the University of Bologna, in collaboration with Istanbul University and Gaziantep archaeological museum, at the archaeological site of Tilmen H\uf6y\ufck (south-eastern Turkey) and its surrounding landscape. These images, characterized by a panoramic geometry, indeed represent an important historical resource for photointerpretation in archaeology, but their metrical use is difficult, owing to the severe distortions affecting the acquisition together with the problems of finding technical data related to the missions. In order to produce metric products of sufficient quality for mapping purposes, a high resolution scanned copy of a CORONA image of the relevant area was processed using commercial digital photogrammetric workstations operating with different approaches, whose aim was to evaluate the potential and specific problems connected to these kinds of data. A full orientation and digital triangulation of these images is possible if all the technical data on the sensor and the acquisition are well-known, and in any case the existence of well-distributed and reliable ground control points in the study area is crucial. The results obtained are interesting as they allow for integration, on a common cartographic reference base, with current aerial and satellite imagery (medium to very high geometric resolution) to perform automatic or visual change analysis procedures


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    This paper shows an application of image-based 3D modelling concerning an interesting case study in the field of Cultural Heritage, a safe located in the Obellio Firmo domus in Pompeii (Italy), one of the largest and most complex houses in the ancient city. The object was strongly deformed by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 A.D. and is currently protected by a permanent glass that helps to preserve it over time. The surveying activities and processing methodology is explained, based on Multi-View Structure from Motion technique, as well as the unconventional solution adopted during the images acquisition. Finally, an attempt will be presented to reconstruct the hypothetical original three-dimensional appearance and shape of the safe

    Il rilievo del monastero di Mesopotam con tecniche geomatiche integrate

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    Il lavoro presenta l\u2019integrazione delle moderne tecniche geomatiche nel rilevamento del monastero di Mesopotam; la sperimentazione \ue8 stata condotta nel giugno 2001 nell\u2019ambito della Missione Archeologica dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Bologna in Albania. Le operazioni di rilievo hanno coinvolto differenti metodologie applicate in modo simultaneo: rilievi GPS in modalit\ue0 statica, per realizzare la georeferenziazione assoluta del sito nel sistema ITRF2000 (International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2000) ed in modalit\ue0 cinematica, per ottenere un rilevamento speditivo delle principali strutture murarie; rilievi fotogrammetrici orientati alla generazione di prodotti diversi, dal fotopiano e ortofoto digitale per le due principali facciate esterne del monastero, alla modellazione tridimensionale di alcuni dettagli architettonici; infine, la creazione di una visita virtuale interattiva con tecniche di realt\ue0 visuale fotografica, come metodo efficace e speditivo per la documentazione e l\u2019analisi delle situazioni di degrado e di dissesto che interessano l\u2019edificio. Si tratta di un caso di studio interessante, in quanto ha permesso di verificare come un rilievo rigoroso, in termini metrici e di leggibilit\ue0 di contenuti informativi diversi, possa essere condotto oggi con strumenti diversificati seguendo un approccio articolato ma unitario all\u2019oggetto; la sperimentazione rappresenta un esempio di intervento nel settore dei Beni Culturali che, riducendo al minimo lo stazionamento in loco ed il contatto con l\u2019oggetto, produce un vasto insieme di dati ed informazioni per la documentazione del bene, utilizzabile anche in vista di eventuali interventi di restauro

    Multi-scale remote sensed Thermal Mapping of Urban Environments: approaches and issues

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    Among the applications of Remote Sensing for urban environments, Thermal Mapping is currently one of the most interesting, although still quite limited in usage. Airborne, UAV and satellite thermal imagery can in fact provide effective data for different purposes and at different scales. The peculiar characteristics of thermal images, on the other hand, make their use not really straightforward or immediate, and its insertion in an urban GIS must be carefully managed. The paper presents some approaches and solutions adopted for both the study of energy losses from buildings and the mapping of urban heat island

    Il rilievo dei ninfei di Ercolano e Pompei

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    Nell\u2019ambito di un progetto multi-disciplinare iniziato nel 1999 in cooperazione tra l\u2019Universit\ue0 di Bologna e la Sovrintendenza ai Beni Culturali di Pompei (Napoli), finalizzato in prima istanza al recupero e alla valorizzazione dell\u2019Insula del Centenario, \ue8 stato avviato il rilievo metrico tridimensionale dei principali ninfei di Pompei e di Ercolano (Napoli). Lo scopo del lavoro, in fase di completamento, \ue8 quello di produrre una documentazione metrica completa, fino ad oggi non disponibile, di questi oggetti di altissimo interesse archeologico e storico-architettonico


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    The Geomatics techniques offer today very interesting opportunities for Cultural Heritage surveys. In this context the role of Photogrammetry is improved thanks to the development of new Image Matching algorithms and to the introduction of simplified digital tools that permit the realization of surveys for architectural or archaeological purposes, without stereoscopic skills, so not requiring expert photogrammetrists. This paper deals with methodologies and problems encountered during the photogrammetric survey of the \u201cRolandino dei Passaggieri\u201d tomb in Bologna; different solutions were experimented using digital photogrammetric systems, in terms of data acquisition (semi-metric and digital cameras), data processing (monoscopic and stereoscopic plotting, with and without the use of Control Points, automatic surface model reconstruction) and representation (e.g. orthophotos, VRML object). The operative phases of surveying were described and solutions were compared in order to evaluate the accuracy and the reliability in restitution of the object shape

    Digital enhancement of the 3D scan of Suhi I's stele from Karkemish

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    This work describes the procedures that have been adopted in the three-dimensional survey of the hieroglyphic Luwian basalt stele from Karkemish found in 2011, using laser scanning and image processing. The stele has a surface that has quite deteriorated in some parts, especially in line 4 of the inscription, making it hard to interpret some specific parts of its contents. A process has been put in place that has significantly improved the readability of the engraved text in order to carry out its interpretation by the philologists. The main issues related to modern surveying of epigraphs are briefly presented, together with the instrumentation and the methodology adopted and the results obtained for the present case

    Il rilevamento della cupola affrescata con moderne tecniche digitali

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    Il lavoro riguarda la cupola, internamente affrescata, dell\u2019Abbazia di S. Maria del Monte in Cesena (FC), danneggiata da un bombardamento nel 1944 ed in seguito restaurata, infine sottoposta recentemente ad un nuovo restauro. Lo studio \ue8 stato condotto in primo luogo attraverso l\u2019integrazione di tecnologia laser a scansione terrestre per modellazione 3D con fotogrammetria digitale ed immagini fotografiche storiche. Il laser scanning ha permesso di documentare la consistenza geometrica della cupola attraverso la realizzazione di un DSM ad alta densit\ue0 dell\u2019oggetto; l\u2019integrazione con fotogrammi storici e attuali ha permesso di texturizzare il modello ed ottenere prodotti di elevato interesse, quali ortofoto e sviluppi, utili anche ai fini del confronto multitemporale tra situazione post-bombardamento (1944), pre-restauro (2007) e post-restauro (2008). Dal confronto tra i primi due modelli \ue8 stato possibile evidenziare con esattezza la zona di lacerazione della cupola. Ai rilevamenti di tipo geometrico si sono affiancate esperienze di diagnostica basate sull\u2019uso di immagini multispettrali, in particolare fluorescenza UV ed infrarosso, successivamente georeferenziate alle immagini nel visibile